DIY Consulting

Are you a homeowner with a passion for tackling home improvement projects on your own? E&B Homes is excited to introduce our new DIY Consulting Services, designed specifically for do-it-yourselfers like you!

Blake understands that taking on DIY projects can be both rewarding and challenging. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a first-time homeowner looking to develop your skills, Blake is here to help you every step of the way. You can expect personalized guidance and expert advice tailored to your specific needs. From planning and design to budgeting and execution, he will be by your side, offering expertise and insights to ensure your project is a success.

Not sure where to start? We can help you prioritize your projects, providing recommendations based on your vision, timeline, and budget. We will assist you in creating detailed plans and help you make informed decisions regarding materials, tools, and techniques to achieve professional-looking results. We will offer invaluable advice, troubleshoot any challenges you may encounter, and provide tips and tricks to streamline your workflow and maximize efficiency. We also provide guidance on safety measures and ensure that your projects are up to code and being executed in a manner that meets industry standards.

Whether you're revamping a kitchen, remodeling a bathroom, or transforming your backyard, our DIY Consulting Services are designed to empower you with the knowledge and confidence needed to tackle even the most ambitious projects. With Blake on board, you can take pride in knowing that you have a trusted advisor guiding you towards achieving your home improvement goals.

How the DIY project consulting works

  • Step 1 - Schedule Meeting

    The DIY consulting starts with a consultation meeting. You will answer some preliminary questions about your project and schedule a meeting with E&B. This requires a non-refundable purchase of $100.00 which will be credited towards your project. Every DIY consulting package is custom built for your needs and this consultation is necessary for E&B to create an accurate estimate.

  • Step 2 - First Meeting

    You will be guided through the checkout process in which you can select a date/time for our first meeting. During our initial consultation, we take the time to understand your unique preferences, lifestyle, and technical abilities. E&B will guide you through a comprehensive discussion to capture every detail that reflects your vision for your DIY dream home. This step forms the foundation.

  • Step 3 - Project Estimate

    After our first meeting, E&B will build a custom estimate for our services to assist on your project. This will include the overall cost for our guidance on your project with unlimited email support util completion. Once you the client accepts the estimate, payment will be due before E&B can proceed to provide DIY guidance for your project. We will identify different materials and tools required and ensure you are comfortable before proceeding. A total of 5 revisions is included.

  • Step 4 - Get to Work

    Armed with the insights gained from Steps 2 and 3, we will translate your aspirations into a complete DIY plan to transform your space. We encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure your satisfaction at every step of the way. You will also have access to our project management tool keeping you informed of the project status throughout the entire process. This process usually takes 4 days from the date of our first meeting. This may be extended depending on the required layout changes in your home.

Have Questions? Contact Us!

Whether you need clarification, want to learn more about our services, or simply have general inquiries about E&B Homes, we are ready to assist you.

When it comes to real estate, trust E&B Homes to have the answers you're looking for. Contact us today and let us help you navigate the exciting world of real estate and design!